Changing the face of Charleston:
Building of the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge
Frank's Home Page
Karpeles Museum display's my story of Building the Ravenel Bridge:
Oct 17, 2007 - ? (Permanent Exhibit)
Archive of building stories
Exploring digital sketches
Unbuilding the Grace and Pearman Bridges
Visit our Photo Essays
Click for all web page building segments
I enjoy hearing from you. If you have comments and suggestions, write me.

As seen from the Aquarium
East Bay on ramp
The Last Shark Fin
Closing the main span gap
Paving the bridge
The last stay cable
Opening Events
Engineering Challenges
Stories of Bridge Folks
Erecting Steel
Building Bridge Blog

David Wertz was my guide on many visits to the bridge and shared with me much of the construction details that I have included in these pages. When David did not know the answer to a question, he always provide a link to other sources of information. So, without David and his colleagues at SCDOT, these web pages would have been limited to my weekly trips to the SC Aquarium.

David appears in many disguises - here as the parking attendent at the west pylon dock

Here he is on one of his inspection trips

Here he is, inspecting the gap to determine whether the splice girder is long enough

Here he is measuring the gap.

And here he is, after looking at what he just measured

After a year of interacting with David - he is off to San Diego with his new wife. David has done so much to open back doors for me so that I could explore the inside-the-skunk-works part of precision building. A big thanks from Frank to David.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Attribution: C. Frank Starmer from
