Changing the face of Charleston:
Building of the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge
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The Last Shark Fin
Closing the main span gap
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Nov 6, 2004:
Continued work to connect the west approach with the west deck (see West Gap). There are two dimensions of adjustment required to close the gap between the approach and main bridge platform. The support cables can be tensioned to raise the bridge while hydraulic pumps can be used to laterally move the bridge platform. The slight bowing in the south (13th) cable sheath indicates that the they have not reached their final tension and are being slowly adjusted in order to achieve the correct alignment of the approach and platform edge girders. From this distant vantage point, the beams appear virtually aligned and perhaps the splice plates have been pinned into place with several drift pins? (click the close-up below left). It appears that the work platform has been positioned under the junction of the approach and platform beams.

West Approach

East Approach

West Approach: Note edge girder on the near side
East Approach:

A close view of splicing the platform edge girder with the approach edge girder. You can see the splice plate that will join the platform and approach edge girders pinned in place, but unbolted. There is less than 1 inch of vertical misalignment and about 1 - 2 inches of horizontal misalignment See west gap page

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Attribution: C. Frank Starmer from
