Building the Ravenel Bridge

After all the photos I took, I've tried to arrange them in some order based on various topics I found interesting.

And a reminder from T.S. Eliot (East Coker from the Four Quartets)

Old men ought to be explorers
Here and there does not matter
We must be still and still moving
Into another intensity
For a further union, a deeper communion

February 19, 2005:
A surprise from PBC - Erecting the last edge girders.

It started with email from David Wertz at SCDOT - the center edge girders were to be erected Friday evening and Saturday morning. Sigh - I was in Chapel Hill for the weekend and thus in a mild panic. What to do? Here is the story

First, a view of the final gap from the top of the east pylon (Feb 11 )

While I was in Chapel Hill, Marvin Tallent with PBC saved the day. Here are views of the residual gap, the floor beam and a view of the splice between the last (316) anchor girder and the center edge girder Here is the south gap between the last anchor girder and the center edge girder

Here is the preliminary attachment (Jan 26) between the last anchor girder and the center edge girder for drilling and reaming by the High Steel team at the old Navy Yard.

To get some idea of size scale, here is a view of the south gap and some guys in the walkway

The North Edge Girder and the gap between the last west anchor girder (216) and the center girder

A view of the splice between the center edge girder and the last anchor girder as well as the last floor girder

I could not resist the urge to take another set of photos of the last edge girders - so here is another view on Wednesday, Feb 23

and the north gap

Saturday March 5, 2005:Floor panel cross support girders installed (east side)

We drove back Sunday afternoon (Feb 20) and here is a view of the gap from my photo spot next to the SC Aquarium. You can see the center edge girder, the splice plate and vertical stiffener. Clearly, Marvin has the better vantage point (photos above). For orientation, here is the assembly of the last anchor girder and the center edge girder from Jan 26 (below) at the Navy Yard.

and this was the view from Last week - where you see the floor girder, the gap and a sea gull. (Feb 12)

Finally, views from the bridge a spectacular - so here is a taste of Charleston: a view from the top of the east pylon (Feb 11)

and a view of Mt Pleasant and the missing main-span gap

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

C. Frank Starmer
