After all the photos I took, I've tried to arrange them in some order based on various topics I found interesting.
And a reminder from T.S. Eliot (East Coker from the Four Quartets)
Old men ought to be explorers Here and there does not matter We must be still and still moving Into another intensity For a further union, a deeper communion
From the pier at the IMAX theater
a day later - the main span
From the bicycle lane
From the Motley-Rice Building: our new bridge with birds
While watching the changing patterns of light on the cable-stay pipe, a cargo ship appeared. I thought it would be fun to capture the changning light patterns while the ship was passing. I took photos about 1 every 10 seconds and then converted them to an mpeg video using the ImageMagic tool, convert. As you can see, the images bound around a bit, but I thought it was an interesting way to bring a bit of life to our new bridge.
From the Yorktown
From just north of the bridge
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
C. Frank Starmer